I’m back to getting FotoInspired by life.
Year 2015 | Weeks 29 and 30
Getting FotoInspired by Life
For several years, I have been creating layouts inspired by everyday photos and stories which are celebrated through my organic and messy approach to art.
I call this ‘Getting FotoInspired by Life’ and there is a whole category of digital art supporting this project in the Project Life/365 category of the Anna Aspnes Designs store.
It was about the time I launched this new website and started aA education, that I sadly lost interest in taking photos and the desire to create these pages.
One inspiration lost always makes room for another and you follow your bliss as a creative.
Year 2015 | Weeks 37 and 38
The Story
In the new year, and with good intentions, I pledged to get back on track, but again this was a false start. I felt obliged to create the pages as opposed to really being inspired to do so.
Slowly over the course of the year, without really noticing, I was taking more photos of those small every day moments. In a concerted effort to slow down a bit in 2016, this is one area that has clearly benefited. I’m overall less tired and distracted and am taking to the time to notice, marvel and capture again.
The spark to getting FotoInspired by life was rekindled last month when I went into search of new photos for our walls after we had our house painted in August. The frames my Dad hung in September are still empty because I have been lost ever since down the rabbit hole of getting FotoInspired again.
I see this as proof that you always find your path back to what you love.
Year 2015 | Weeks 39
In less than a month, I have joyfully completed 6 months of FotoInspired pages and have fallen back in love with this project again.
The irony lies in how we so quickly change the reason for this project in the first place.
What I have learned and observed.
Boredom is real. It happens to the best of us. The creative ‘muscle’ needs to exercised in different ways to operate at peak performance. Monotony can quickly set in when the creative pursuit is performed too often and in the same fashion. This is when we fall off the wagon. Switch it up and try new approaches to your craft to keep yourself engaged and interested for the long haul.
It’s OK to take a break and ‘fall behind’.‘Who are we trying to keep up with anyway? And more importantly who cares if we’re a year or more behind? The photos from last year were quite happy in the monthly folders where I have them saved. They were not complaining or losing sleeping over the fact that they hadn’t made their way onto a layout yet, so why should we?
Year 2015 | Weeks 41-44
Enjoy the process first. The layout should be a by product of experience. You have to feel the joy in order to share and portray it in your art. I thoroughly enjoyed taking a trip down memory lane and found it fascinating to view that year unfolding with hindsight. The comparison of life then and now is also a testament to growth, not only in the size of our children, but also in appreciation for this life we live.
Trust in yourself. I was also amazed at just how many of the details I could remember just from looking at the photos. I did my job and took the photos so that I would remember the stories. I may not remember every tiny detail but it’s the stuff that’s memorable that counts. Trust that you will remember too.
Make it up as you go along. There are no rules to this digital scrapbooking and artistry. Adapt, evolve and try something new, as when you feel the desire to do so. Many of my pages cover 1 week, but mostly 2, and then there are those that cover 3 or even 4. It’s all good.
Year 2015 | Weeks 46 and 47
So now I begin year 2016.
Any bets on how long it will take me to catch up?
I plan on taking my sweet merry time and enjoy every minute of Getting FotoInspired by life again.
Interested in hearing more about my approach to creativity and process? See this recent interview with Sebastian Michaels at the Quill and Camera.
Enjoyed your interview and your post about Project Life. I have a few of your FotoInspired templates, but have not been really working with them much. I think I need to get them out an “play.” Thanks for the inspiration!
Thank you Terri. Always happy to inspire 🙂
I thought it was only me that had lost interest and my creative juices. I have been going through a stage of boredom and monotony all summer. There have been a few peaks and sparks of artplay, but not many. I will push forward gently because I know my body and mind will let me know when it is time to create again!
I often find I lose interest a) when life is filled with too many other tasks and so the layouts become just another thing to do b) when I am no longer challenged – this is where I need to push my art into new areas by experimenting, taking a classes, learning and trying something new 🙂