Today I’m sharing the aA Project Intro Experience.
Project Intro Experience
I’ve a number of questions about the upcoming aA Project 2016, so in place of the typical Monday ArtsyInspiration post, I’m sharing more about the ‘Experience’ offering.
This workshop is suitable for BOTH Photoshop and Elements users.
I will be performing the demonstrations in just one program as I’m physically unable to do 28 videos (expected to be 30-60 minutes each) in December. I usually teach classes in Adobe Photoshop Elements, so I thought I’d switch it up for the Photoshop users this time around.
[aA] Project is about the process of ArtPlay and creating artistry rather than teaching the tools of Adobe Photoshop and Element. Though there will be plenty of techniques for you to try, the focus will be on verbally sharing what I’m thinking as I am creating, and why I am making the design decisions that create my pages.With this in mind, I believe the course to be valuable to you regardless of the program you use.
More artistry is coming your way.
I also plan to do a little more ArtPlay in this years Project. Previous versions have been very simple in their execution, but I’m hankering after a bit more exploration and discovery as I begin this 2016 adventure. Expect to see more artistry and art journaling in addition to scrapbooking/memory keeping in the upcoming pages.
Supplementary guidance to creating a cohesive template album will support the video demonstrations.
The mechanics/how to of creating an album will be provided in .pdf format so that I can focus on process and technique in the video demonstrations. I am currently updating and adding to last year’s aA Project content to ensure the video demonstrations are supplemented with a stellar backbone.
Christmas has officially begun around here.
Ella’s decorations officially went up in her room on Saturday. By Sunday, Frank Sinatra was blaring, she was making herself hot chocolate in her jammies and had admitted to 3 Christmas movies already. She’s determined to get the rest of us on board but I’m hoping I can stave her off for another 2 weeks with a cheeky garland project 😉
The good news for you is that my aA Project has already begun, ready or not.
Weekend antics provided enough fodder for my first layout, and in the spirit of Christmas, albeit a little early for my liking… I’m sharing the video for my first layout to EVERYONE who wants to watch it.
Note that there will be an additional BONUS aA Project Intro Experience video for those that register or have already registered for aA Project 2016. If you have taken one of my classes, you will know I always aim to deliver more than I promise.
It’s not what I planned or expected, but it fits perfectly into my organic approach to this project.
Embrace the inspiration when it shows up and honor it with creative magic.
Don’t forget you also save $10.00 on the Project Template Album No. 2 when you register for aA Project 2016
Watch the aA Project Intro Experience video here.
Enjoy you Digital RockStar 🙂
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