Today I am sharing a free digital scrapbooking class, instead of the usual new aA DigitalART release.
Note that last week’s AnnaRelease will be on sale for one more week.
ArtsyTransfers 101 provides just over 28 minutes of digital design instruction for digital scrapbooking, artistry, design and photo editing demonstrating the easy way to blend photos.
Free Digital Scrapbooking Class
This session is conducted in Adobe Photoshop CC but guidance for Adobe Photoshop Elements is also provided where appropriate.
Learn a variety of simple techniques you can apply to the ArtsyTransfer series by Anna Aspnes Designs, intended to improve your digital scrapbooking and artistry skills today.
Content of this class includes:
- Explanation of what an ArtsyTransfer is and how to use them.
- How to open the files into the Adobe Photoshop work space to take advantage of the multi-layer format.
- 2 approaches to locating, selecting and keeping track of specific layers in the Layers panel.
- Clipping photos and elements to different ArtsyTransfers layers using the clipping mask function in Adobe Photoshop and Elements.
- Using Photoshop brushes with the Eraser and Paint Brush tools to modify ArtsyTransfer layers.
- Customize ArtsyTransfers through duplicating, moving and rotating layers.
- Recoloring layers to match your color scheme.
- Change the color and light properties of any layer.
- Experiment with Blending Mode and Opacity adjustments.
- BONUS trouble-shooting tips for commonly encountered problems.
Watch the free ArtsyTransfers 101 video.
ArtsyTransfers Special Offer
For a limited time you can create your own ArtsyTransfers ValuePack from ArtyTransfer sets in the Anna Aspnes Designs store.
Please note that this special excludes ArtsyTransfers Released in the last 12 weeks.
There is nothing more frustrating for customers who purchase products when they are released to have them immediately go on sale.
Save 40% on 5 ArtsyTransfers DigitalART sets
Save 50% on 10 ArtsyTransfers DigitalART sets
You choose.
Click here to browse ArtsyTransfers by Anna Aspnes Designs.
Offer is valid now through Wednesday March 9, 2016 at 9 am EST.
Thank you for this free tutorial, Anna. Although I am a digital artist, I am learning so much from your different approach to blending, and I especially LOVE your Artsy Transfers.xx
Hi Dale,
Many of the techniques I share are applicable to both digital artists and artsy scrapbookers. It’s a fine line between the 2 – We tell stories through our photos and art. Thank you for being here.
Thankyou Anna for the free tutorial ! Much needed by me !
I am hoping you will do the Transfers offer again as I just cant stretch the pennies any further this month !
Enjoy. There are always specials and sales. No worries.
Thanks so much for the video tutorial Anna! Always enjoy seeing your process. It’s so helpful!
Happy to oblige Cheryl.
Thank you for this free class. It always is helpful to see how your products are used. Each time I view your videos or take a class I learn that much more! I appreciated the special offer for the Break Away bundle, I just had to get it! Lol
Excellent. That is always the desired result. Thanks for taking the time to let me know how I’m doing around here 🙂