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About Anna

2016 Year In Review

By Friday, December 30, 2016 (MST) 10 Comments

Today I’m sharing a post about our 2016 Year in Review.

2016 Year In Review

Every year, I  put together a Christmas letter for family and friends. This often happens on the Eve of Christmas and replaces the traditional Holiday card.

I’m not much of a card person as I personally have guilt about throwing them away at the end of the season. This leads me to hold onto the cards for years.  I must have hundreds of them that I cannot part with.

This year I didn’t quite get to the Christmas letter. A bit uninspired by it’s format, I decided to spend the time with my people instead.

2016 Year in Review is a different approach to sharing our year, showcasing the top stories of each month with a few words and a photo.


The last time we saw Eric’s Mom. The difficult decision was made to take her to Thailand to a Swiss clinic specializing in the care of Alzheimer’s Disease. We wanted her to have the best care possible. She deteriorated rapidly over the course of the year and passed away quietly in her sleep on Thanksgiving Day.


Eric’s been talking about going hunting for as long as I’ve known him (21 years). His maiden trip was a hog hunt in Texas with a few friends and resulted in a trophy boar which has kept us well fed for most of the year. Travel has been a common thread for him this year as work trips increased, and he also completed his second Master’s degree.


A weekend away in New Orleans for Eric and I marks a new era of solo adventures. This is followed by a weekend trip to Las Vegas later in the year in September. Yes please to more of these kinds of adventures.


Luke is the highest scoring player on his team in Lacrosse, and while he loves the boys and his sport, he still has a soft spot for his Mum.


2016 is the year  family game night is established in the Aspnes home. This happens ‘most’ normal Sunday nights. Favorites include Monopoly, Sorry Sliders and Yahtzee, but we’re always looking for new contenders.


Sunday Brunch on Father’s Day Downtown Denver. We love to try new locally sourced restaurants, and going out for breakfast on special occasions is a favorite.


The children and I spend a month in England touring York, London, Lincoln and Warwick Castle while visiting family and catching up with some old friends. We had a fabulous time is a complete understatement. I would really like to get back there more than every 4 years.


A few upgrades to our living room left me vowing ‘I’ll never do that again’. It was one of the most stressful processes I have ever encountered, more so than moving house, which I have done a LOT in my lifetime.


We take part in the annual Denver Color Run just before my parents arrive for their annual 4 week Fall stay. Days together are the best kind.


We revive our tradition of hosting a Halloween party for Ella and Luke and their friends after a 3 year hiatus. Halloween is one of our favorite holidays. We have more decorations for this event than we do for Christmas.


Ella performs in her first major role in the school play. Happy to report she’s a drama queen mostly on stage. Thankfully.


The snow arrived late this year but we’re back to day-trips in the mountains, hurtling down the slopes and enjoying the best Colorado has to offer.

Year 2016 has had it’s ups and downs as do all years, but we try to remain grateful for it all.

It makes us who we are today.

We wish you and yours a very Happy New Year.

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Anna Aspnes

Author Anna Aspnes

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