Today we are getting to know aA Creative Team Member Miki Krueger.
aA Creative Team Member Miki Krueger
Photography has been a passion of mine for many years. A quote by Ansel Adams resonates in my work, “You don’t make a photograph just with a camera.
You bring to the act of photography all the pictures you have seen, the books you have read, the music you have heard, the people you have loved.” Every time I take a picture, this plays through my mind.
The photographs I take are of things that have connection to my life, have meaning to me.
Mother Love
I began as a traditional paper and sticker scrapbooker after attending a Creative Memories party, but began dabbling in digital art in 2006. I found that I could bring my photos to life using layers, masks, and blending modes. I enjoyed the flexibility that digital scrapbooking offered, but struggled with my limited skills. I took several online courses and haven’t looked back since.
Take Flight
I consider myself a traditionalist with an artsy twist. My style is forever evolving. Each of my pages begin with a photo, a story waiting to be told. I think of a blank page as a canvas waiting to be painted on. When creating, I try to convey the emotion that I feel when looking at the photo, whether it is through color or layers of texture. At times, I think of my pages as organized chaos.
Sight Seeing
I have a box of old photos, letters, and newspaper clippings saved by my mother. These have become a source of inspiration for many of my pages. Connecting the past and present for future generations has become a passion. It’s about recording family memories for the future, connecting the past, present and future.
Life is a Camera
Some days, I sit at the computer with a clearly formed idea of how to approach a page. I know what products I want to use, colors and design. But there are days that I just sit, waiting for the creative juices to flow. Those are the times that I enjoy the best, the adventure of creating. I never know where I will end up, sometimes pleasantly pleased and sometimes in the trash bin. That is the fun of the journey!
Grain Silos
There is so much inspiration out there and I enjoy trying new techniques and styles. I hope that my journey, love of digital scrapbooking and story telling never ends. To quote Albert Einstein, “True art is characterized by an irresistible urge in the creative artist.” and “Creativity is contagious. Pass it on!”
Cuylerville Barn
Great to getting to know you better, Miki. You have a wonderful collection of layouts in your gallery and you´re always such an inspiration.
Thanks, Ull-May! I enjoy working on the team and am awed by all the talent in the gallery.