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Artist Profiles

Artist Profile Rachael Powell

By Thursday, August 10, 2017 (MDT) 6 Comments
Artist Profile Rachael Powell

Today we are sharing a Q & A Artist Profile Rachael Powell.

Rachael Powell is a digital memory keeper and digital artist who loves creating unique art using Anna Aspnes Designs.

Big thanks to Rachel for allowing us to share her artistry.

Artist Profile Rachael Powell

1. Tell us about yourself and how you first discovered digital art.

In 2005 I  was a Consultant for Creating Memories, busy scrapping all of my photos, mess and clutter on my kitchen table which was also my office. I found Anna Aspnes at Designer Digitals and fell in love with the digital side. I started on program called Creating Keepsakes.

Artist Profile Rachael Powell

​2. You have a lot of beautiful photos of Miss Molly. What do you do to get ready for a photo shoot with her?

For our planned out shoots, clothing is usually a jumping off place for me. I usually have my outfits planned, then I find a perfect destination and background or surrounding.

Most importantly, I always have a camera on hand to capture those candid moments, turning them into mini photo shoots as well. I try to capture the everyday moments like blowing bubbles, playing with her best friend Drake, and drawing on the sidewalk. Sometimes it can be right in your own backyard.

Artist Profile Rachael Powell

3. What three pieces of advice would you give someone who wants to do a photoshoot with a child?

Make it  fun. Capture the true personality of your child by talking with them and coaxing out those smiles naturally and easily –  have them be silly, it will  loosen them up, so they are comfortable. Let them show energy, motion and “play”,  your photos will be natural and capture the essence of your child.

Click, click, click. Don’t be afraid to shoot a ton of photos and fill up that card. The digital age is fabulous and allows you to capture even the moments that you were not really planning for. My favorite photos are usually the ones that are un-posed.  So, fill up that card, you can delete the ones you don’t like later at no cost to you.

Remove distractions and/or surroundings. Be aware of what is in your background and don’t be afraid to fill the frame with your subject.

Artist Profile Rachael Powell

4. What inspires you outside of digital art?

I guess you would say, if I had the money, it would be Fixer Upper Renovations. I have had a lot of experience in our own house flips. I love the restoration of old homes.

5. You seem to gravitate toward large blended background images. How do you blend these images so nicely into the papers you are working with?

Anna’s products make it so easy. I usually start by clipping my photo to one of Anna’s Clipping Masks or FotoBlendz overlays, then I adjust the blending modes and opacity, adding in textures, transfers and brushes adjusting their blending modes to blend with my photo recoloring as and where needed to blend my photo with the background.

Artist Profile Rachael Powell6. What program do you use to create your art?

I currently use PSE for my layouts. I am learning and working with Lightroom.

7. What is your favorite Anna product?

My favorite Anna products would be Fotoblendz and WordART!

Artist Profile Rachael Powell

We hope you have enjoyed this Artist Profile Rachael Powell. You can see more work by Rachael in her gallery.

The Artist Profiles is a category of posts in which we aim to inspire you with the work of other artists, photographers, memory keepers, makers and curators. I believe we can learn much from others and inspiration can come from a variety of creative sources.

Please email me if you are interested in having your work featured in this space.

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