Happy Monday! Today we’re sharing digital designs inspiration Opacus.
ArtPlay MiniPalette Opacus is the latest collection of digital designs for scrapbookers, photographers, artists and crafters to be released into the Anna Aspnes Designs store.
Get the ArtPlay MiniPalette Opacus FREE with just a $10.00 purchase for through 30 Nov 2016.
ArtPlay MiniPalette Opacus
The aA Creative Team have been rocking their digital scrapbooking and artistry pages using ArtPlay MiniPalette Opacus and supporting DigitalART products.
More digital art inspiration for ArtPlay MiniPalette Opacus, of course, can be located in the AnnaGallery.
Click on the image below to view more digital designs inspiration ‘Opacus’ or visit the AnnaTeam Layouts board on Pinterest.
Digital Designs Inspiration Opacus
See our Gallery HighLights by clicking on the images to access complete digital design supply lists. You will also find process notes and digital scrapbooking tutorials from each team member to provide new digital inspiration for using aA DigitalART designs.
Real Life Right Now | Donna
Art Journaling with Templates. Create some great art and enjoy some creative therapy by clipping ArtPlay Palette papers to the layers in the templates from the FotoInspired series as demonstrated by Donna Goar, who is our resident art journaler. Add some photos into the mix and further guidance can be found by following this FotoInspired Template Tutorial.
Traveling | Fiona
Blend with Blending Modes. The Blending Modes in Adobe Photoshop and Elements add magic to your digital artistry by intensifying color, creating depth and creating seamless composites by altering hue, light and dark properties of your layers. I recently taught a 2 hour class on how to use Blending Modes. Email me if you missed it.
Either I’ll Find a Way | Ulla-May
Move the Eye with Elements. Embellishment add dimension to a layout and can enhance it’s visual properties, but elements can also be used to direct the viewer’s attention. Notice how the placement of the string and button draws the eye from the blended photo to the quote leading the eye around all important details of her layout.
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