Today I’m updating you on my FotoInspired June 2019.
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Read about my FotoInspired 2019 plan and join the dedicated FotoInspired community on Facebook.
June 2019
A total of 3 double-page spreads – 3 of which covered the first few days of June and little Arizona Getaway.
Simplifies the Process and Deepens the Impression
I am a big fan of BOTH.
- Establish a ‘routine’ for creating your layouts, in terms of process and the techniques you use.
- It’s OK to re-use templates and DigitalART supplies.
- You can absolutely use of the same ArtPlay Palettes.
- Focus on the stories and photos.
- Remember this is supposed to be FUN 🙂
Keep FotoInspired Interesting
Repetition ONLY becomes a problem when it becomes monotonous.
- Therefore it’s important to create variation within the repetition.
- Modify Templates by rotating or switching out Frames/Masks from other Templates.
- Mix and match ArtPlay Palettes or recolor as preferred.
- Add in a new technique once in a while to add tension to the visual flow of your layouts.
- Remember to have a little FUN!
I really love your FotoInspired templates/pages, and love to see how you and your team use them. I especially like to see some boxes dedicated to just paper, artsy kardz, elements or text, and I enjoy the pages with larger borders. But because I work in 8×10 format (I am very happy with my Blurb books in this format), it’s sometimes a challenge to fit enough on a page. I shrink things down and rearrange, but somehow just don’t get the same effects. Wondering if you have any thoughts. And BTW I too love Core Power Yoga, been a member for nearly 5 years 🙂
How about taking the frames and masks and stacking them in a vertical format so they fill an 8 x 10 page?
All fantastic examples of scrapping with my favorite template sets…FotoInspired! Loving the newest Pack K!
Me too!