Today, I want to introduce you to my newest self-paced class Mastering Visual Triangles in Layout Design.
Click on any of the images to access the course.
Mastering Visual Triangles in Layout Design
A 3-hour course sharing everything you need to know about placing elements in your digital scrapbooking and photo artistry layout designs.
- Lead the viewer most EFFECTIVELY through the story of your photos.
- Establish TENSION to yield visual interest and support strong design principles.
- Master the art BALANCE in your pages using tried and tested techniques.
What You Will Learn
This class is more than just creating visual triangles but instills confidence in knowing exactly where to place embellishments to your photos
- Understand WHAT they are and WHY you need them in your process.
- Master HOW they work using PRACTICAL approaches to ensure CONSISTENT appealing layout design.
- Gain knowledge in using visual triangles with recognized Design Principles.
- Apply the concepts of Line and Intersection to yield strong focal points.
- Follow my simple approach for SUCCESSFUL placement of elements in all your digital scrapbooking and photo artistry pages.
- Use 5 different WAYS for effective use of visual triangles with your aA DigitalART supplies.
- Realize the Fluidity and Flexibility of visual triangles to ENHANCE your creative process and get results.
Don’t Take My Word For It
I asked several of my the paying members of the aA Creative Team for their thoughts on this course
Diane Weber
- I’ve actually been giving a lot of thought to Visual Triangles, wondering if and how they apply to double-pages.
- Taking the class gave me my answers, and I know this will help my pages be better!
- I’m not sure I had any particular ‘aha’ moments, but as a creative person with a logical mind, the class sparked a curiosity, which I’ve experienced in other of your classes as well, as to whether creating by instinct can and will result in similar ends.
- When I get a chance, I want to go back to a few pages, especially those I might have been dissatisfied with, and see if applying the principles I’ve learned, I can make those pages better.
- I’ve always been a huge fan of having instincts reinforced by learning!
- The content more than met my expectations. After the first session my confidence increased.
- After the second session it increased even more (and I was able to complete a page I’d been struggling with).
- At the end, I not only felt more confident but also more curious, and there is nothing better than curiosity to feed creativity!
- I’ve known about and tried to make sure I was creating Visual Triangles before, but now I realize there is more than one way to skin a cat.
- Color and product type will still likely be my primary method of creating Visual Triangles, but now I can sneak in other ways, hopefully enabling my future viewers to discover little subtleties in my pages.
- One thing I really enjoy is the inclusion of Creative Team layouts. It’s most helpful to me to see the principles applied in differing styles.
- It helped with that question of how to apply the Visual Triangles to double pages.
Dale Botha
Really enjoyed your Mastering Visual Triangles Workshop.
- You are such an amazing teacher and explain principles in a very clear and concise manner.
- So easy to take all the information on board.
- Visual Triangles are a brilliant, dramatic and easy way to improve a layout or piece of art – Why wouldn’t anyone want to learn more about that?
- If the layout or digital art piece you are working on seems ‘off’, add one or more visual triangles and you will see a definite shift in your work.
- It is an easy and very quick way to ground a piece and keep the viewer’s eye moving around it.
- The content definitely met expectations.
- All Anna’s classes give you what you expect and heaps more.
- Anna is super generous with her knowledge and explains new techniques in a very clear, concise and easy to understand manner.
- New knowledge always brings a fresh perspective and keener awareness to my current way of working.
- Being able to ‘fix’ a piece of work I may be struggling with, using new techniques, will enable me to add more interest, value and dimension to any layout going forward.
- The numerous examples in this course of the many variations of Visual Triangles, gives one plenty of food for thought.
- You will never be caught short with a ‘what can I do to fix this layout or piece of art’ moment again.
- Visual Triangles are one of the least used, but most powerful of the Design Principles.
- We all know what triangles are – Let’s use them for our own benefit, and that of the viewer!
Jerri Lantz
- I am always looking for new and better ways to improve my pages.
- I have heard you talk about the visual triangles and figured if you offered a course on it there must be a lot more to it than just color.
- And there was!
- Visual triangles are NOT just about color!
- There’s also line, shape, focal point, and product type.
- Your courses always meet and exceed my expectations.
- You explain everything very well and since it is in video form it can be backed up and watched again if need be.
- There are lots of examples shown and explained where the visual triangles are, what they are, and why they are placed where they are.
- I thoroughly enjoyed the course.
- I will definitely be using what I have learned in future pages.
- I will be thinking a lot more about where, what, and why I place the elements that I use.
Charlene Mitchell
- I did, but there is so much MORE to them.
- I love the explanation/differences of Balance and Visual Interest that equals excitement.
- In one of your examples, you specifically show how the attention shifts by moving the elements – This is super helpful
- The idea of placing elements at intersecting points is a game-changer.
- I LOVE to learn!
- Your promo referred to “More than just Visual Triangles.“
- And being familiar with many of your classes, I just knew this would not disappoint.
- There is so much more to Visual Triangles than I thought.
- I knew them to be the obvious: colours and very similar elements but there is so much more to consider.
- My biggest A-ha moment is your advice on placement of elements.
- Game-changer!
- As do all of your classes, it exceeded my expectations!
- It has already changed!
- When working through my pages, I now draw out the triangles and look for areas of intersection, which greatly helps me place my embellishments.
- This was always a struggle.
- Although I continue to be a slow artist, the methods from this class make the process much more enjoyable and gives me a direction.
- I love the multitude of examples and especially from the aA Creative Team.
- You included artists with different styles, which helped me relate to the examples.
- Each artist used different types of product, which also helped!
Mastering Visual Triangles in Layout Design is going to change the way you create your digital scrapbooking and photo artistry layouts.
- Provides so MANY ways to create Visual Triangles.
- Teaches PROVEN methods for placing elements in your layout designs.
- Give you consistent CONFIDENCE in your creative process.
- And it’s going to EXCEED your expectations.
What You Can EXPECT:
(1) 3 HR Self-Paced Course
7 Video Lessons with 60 Layout Examples by Anna and the aA Creative Team
- Introduction and Explaining Visual Triangles (14.32 mins)
- 3 Ways Visual Triangles Improve Your Layout Design (26.07 mins)
Visual Triangles categorized into 5 Approaches:
- By Color (33.26 mins)
- By Shape (27.27 mins)
- By Line (27.06 mins)
- By Product Type (20.08 mins)
- By Focal Points and Closing Thoughts (32.55 mins)
(2) 13 Page – Course Content
- Delivered in .pdf format
- Linked aA DigitalART
- Illustrated with layout examples
(3) Private Facebook Group
- Exclusive Limited Time access.
- Ask Questions and get Feedback on your Visual Triangles.
- Available for 6 Weeks ONLY through the End of October 2021.
- Note you can also email me anytime 🙂
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Got a Question? Email me about Mastering Visual Triangles in Layout Design or ask away in the Comments section below.
I absolutely loved this class. I learned so much. I’m not a Facebook fan, but I am an Anna Aspnes fan!!
Now I find myself going over my art to see what sold and what didn’t. The ones that sold had a well defined visual triangle – quite by accident. 🙂 Thanks to you, I’ll have purposeful visual triangles!