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Artist Profiles

Artist Profile Marleen Kuiper

By Tuesday, March 8, 2016 (MST) 18 Comments
Artist Profile Marleen Kuiper Anna Aspnes Designs

Something a little different today. We are sharing a Q & A Artist Profile Marleen Kuiper.

Artist Profile Marleen Kuiper

Marleen Kuiper is a talented and prolific digital artist known for her use of white space, color and artsy focal images. She loves creating unique art using Anna Aspnes Designs.

Marleen is a married mother toΒ 3 daughters and grand-mother to 8 grand-childrenΒ and isΒ from the NetherlandsΒ the Netherlands.

Big thanks to Marleen for allowing me to share her artistry.

How would you describe your work’s connection with your story?

I had a very creative Dad. HisΒ paintings are absolutely amazing, and he plays both theΒ piano and violin. My DadΒ gave me the desire and encouragementΒ to create. He was portrait and landscape painterΒ but I tend to lean toward abstract art. I was onlyΒ 24 years old whenΒ he died and I miss him very much. The art I create continues to connect us.

Artist Profile Marleen Kuiper Something that inspires you outside of your art?

The birth of a child inspires me very much. I find the entrance of a child into this world suchΒ a great and beautiful miracle. I am inspired when I holdΒ a newborn child in myΒ arms. It amazes me that something soΒ precious can provide such far-reachingΒ possibility and creative energy.

Artist Profile Marleen Kuiper Anna Aspnes Designs

How do you challenge yourself?

A special event such asΒ Christmas, the first snow, the smell of Spring or the arrival of new grandchild creates happiness and gratitude. It isΒ always my aim to transpose this energy into my digital artistry and challenge myself to capture those powerful emotions and energy.Artist Profile Marleen Kuiper Anna Aspnes Designs

What are your favorite themes or subjects to pursue in your work?

I do not have favorite themes but theΒ ballerina provides a great muse.Β I can be inspired by a meaningful image or evenΒ something that I see outside my window. Inspiration can come from anywhere. Artsy digital scrapbooking with personal photos of my life at home or images of my grandchildren is not really where my interest lied, butΒ I love to edit my family photos in the Adobe Photoshop work space.

Artist Profile Marleen Kuiper Anna Aspnes Designs

What has been the best advice given to you as an artist?

“When you create something, you must learn to give it time.” is a piece of advice I have never forgotten and it carries through all my digital artistry. I have worked with soap stone in the past and this is a field Β in which you must practice the art of patience. Making artΒ is not how many you can create in one day and you cannot attach a time-line to it’s creation.Β If my digital artΒ does not meet my expectationsΒ then I start from the beginning.Β I’m often indecisive and a perfectionist,Β which is not always easy, butΒ it’s a big part of Β theΒ journey and process of self-discovery.

Artist Profile Marleen Kuiper Anna Aspnes Designs

You can see more work byΒ artist profile Marleen Kuiper in her extensive gallery.

Β The Artist Profiles is a categoryΒ of posts in which we aim to inspire you with the work of other artists, photographers, memory keepers, makers and curators. I believe we can learn much from others and inspiration can come from a variety of creative sources. Please email meΒ if you are interested in having your work featured in this space.

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