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January 2019 Inspiration
A total of 3 double-page spreads for this month.

Balance Before Numbers
How Many Pages Per Month?
Quantity of Photos Determines Number of Layouts
- Quantity of photos refers to the number of photos you want to use in your FotoInpired layout (as opposed to all the photos you take in a given month.)
- Remove duplicates and decide which photos (and stories) you want to include.
- The number of photos will determine whether a double-page spread ‘houses’ 1, 2, 3 weeks, or a month of photos.
- You may also have multiple double-pages for one week if you were on vacation or experienced a different out-of-the-ordinary life event.
- For example, I had fewer photos for Weeks 1 and 2 of January than I did for the second half of the month. The first 2 weeks were combined into one layout, while Week 3 and 4 had their own pages.
Number of Photos Per Layout
Balance photos with DigitalART
- 10-14 photos per page is a good rule of thumb (give or take a few).
- Select a template that can accommodate your selected photos, while leaving 1-3 masks for text, and another 1-3 mask for ‘Artsy Paper’ embellishment.
- These ‘White Space’ masks allow the eye to rest between the photos and prevent your pages becoming too cluttered/busy/visually chaotic.
- It’s tempting to try and fit more photos into a page, so you have fewer pages to create, but it’s always counter-intuitive.
- Adding too many photos to a page not only takes more time in terms of a) Adding the actual photos, and B) Trying to solve the design challenges of incorporating too many photos.
- aA TIP. If your page doesn’t look quite right, or it’s taking too long to create, then there is a very GOOD chance you are trying to add too many elements, such as photos, DigitalART and text, to your design.
- This happened for me this month when I tried to combine Weeks 3 and 4 into one double page spread.

- This layout took me WAY too long to put together, photos are not as well showcased because the masks are smaller, and some images that I originally wanted to include, did not make it onto the page.
- It was definitely worth spending the time splitting the weeks up to each accommodate a double page spread as shown above.
What did FotoInpired look like for you this month?
- What were your challenges in January?
- What do you wish you knew about the FotoInspired project, or product range, that would make this project easier for you?
- What would you like to see in this space each month to help you?
Please share with me in the comments section below how I can best help you in these monthly posts.
aA Creative Team Inspiration
There is no right or wrong way to be FotoInspired.

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