Today, I’m sharing my FotoInspired July 2020.
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The FotoInspired Stats
A total of 3 double-page spreads for the month of June 2020.
- A mix of one and 2 weeks per spread.
- Ella’s Birthday
Here are my layouts plus some thoughts on When Less is More in your FotoInspired pages.
July 2020
Week 27
Weeks 28 and 29
Week 30
When Less is More
Perhaps there is more appreciation when there are scant photos.
- The number of photos you take per month will be personal to you.
- I tend to be a lot more ‘camera-happy’ when there are places to go and things to do.
- But maybe this is also an opportunity to see your everyday life and surrounding in a new light?
- Stress and full days tend to throw my photo-taking off kilter and contribute to fewer images on my camera roll.
It’s ALL Good Honestly!
- Let’s choose quality over quantity.
- It’s not better or worse to view more or less photos.
- But I often think I can focus and appreciate them more if there are a smaller number.
- They can take up more space on your layouts, and in the viewers mind.
- And let’s face it – It takes a lot less TIME to make 3 pages than it does say 6.
You pages are a representation of your life.
- There is an ebb and flow to it all.
- Roll with what you’ve got in terms of images
- Perhaps spend more time telling more complete stories.
- Enjoy the lull, for life will pick up again – It always does 🙂
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