As we begin a new year, it’s a GOOD to answer that age-old question, What is FotoInspired?
What is FotoInspired?
2019 Week 43 | Anna Aspnes
A system of creating a photo collage in blending photos, words and aA DigitalART.
- Organize EVERYDAY photos from your camera or phone.
- Share EVENTS photos with family and friends.
- Document TRAVEL and vacations.
- Honor your HERITAGE with old family photos, ancestry research and stories.
- Create Photo Book PROJECTS as memory keepsakes.
The FotoInpired Project is supported by a series of aA FotoInspired Templates.
- Dedicated FotoInspired Products Category.
- A FotoInspired MiniStarter Pack.
- Over 100 layered Templates in .psd format for Photoshop and Elements.
- Plus FotoInpired Template ValuePacks.
- Designed to be used individually for single prints or in double-page format in photo books.
- The grid format allows you to modify each template with ease to suit your style and photos.
Grandmother | Miki
The FotoInpired Approach
- Create a layout foundation, open and place 1 (Single Layout) or 2 (Double-Page) FotoInspired Templates.
- Clip your photos to the masks and frames in the Templates using the Clipping Mask Function in Adobe Photoshop and Elements.
- Add ArtsyKardz and ArtPlay Palette papers to the remaining areas in the Templates.
- Embellish with Elements, Stitching, BrushSets, Frames, Dates and WordART.
- Add your journaling in the Textboxes provided in the templates.
Neat Things | Viv
Watch my FotoInspired process in this FREE 3-Part video series:
- Artsy Digital Pocket Scrapbooking 1/3
- Artsy Digital Pocket Scrapbooking 2/3
- Artsy Digital Pocket Scrapbooking 3/3
2019 | Week 22
See also:
- My 2018 FotoInspired Project.
- Guidance for Using ArtsyKardz.
- Using FotoInspired for Travel Photos
- FotoInspired using ArtsyTransfer Layers
- Digital Scrapbooking using FotoInspired Templates
- FotoInspired Template Tutorial
- 5 Ways to Create an Artsy Design using FotoInspired
Barcelona | Nancy
Thanks for all the links and ideas, Anna! Going to check out the 3-PART VIDEO SERIES for a re-watch or in case I missed it. FotoInspired Templates are my favorite…so much versatility!
Enjoy Marnie 🙂
Marnie, you can also find an updated video of my process https://youtu.be/iqznxamZvpk
Děkuji za Vaši inspiraci a děkuji za možnost se něčemu přiučit bezplatně .Je mi 75 let jsem seniorka ale mám chuť stále něco tvořit. Hana CZ
Jsem tak ráda, že tě inspirujem. Nikdy nejsi příliš starý na to, aby ses naučil něco nového. Velké přivítání v Anna Aspnes Designs.