New Artsy BrushSets for digital scrapbooking, photo editing and artistry have arrived in the aA store.
I am taking a bit of a departure from the normal AnnaRelease schedule.
Flexibility in changing the plan from week to week, has been key in enabling me to balance teaching classes and creating DigitalART for your layouts, with life in general.
March is notoriously ‘spotty’ when it comes to school attendance. Spring Break and conferences always means there are lots of days off. Ella heads into High School this year and Luke will be entering Grade 7.
Time seems to be flying and I’m working hard in my business and at home to make sure that I take care of everyone, including myself.
This balance stuff takes some perseverance, willingness to be flexible and keeping the eye on the ball, but the rewards far outweigh the work.
It’s been all about the aAdvanced Brushes for Adobe Photoshop class this week.
The first set of content will arrive in inboxes next Wednesday March 1, 2017.
And it’s not to late to claim your ticket to master the art of brushes.
New Artsy BrushSets
There are three new artsy digital designs to include new Coastal No. 1, Countryside No. 1 and WallTextures No.1. Each of the new artsy digital designs is 20% off through March 03, 2017 at 9 am EST.
Coastal No. 1
A collection of 8 distressed coastal brushes delivered in .abr and black .png format to enable maximum customization. Guidance on using brushes in Photoshop and Elements can be found in the FreeART category of the aA store. Also check out this video tutorial which provides an overview of brushes, as well as guidance on how to load and use them.
Countryside No. 1
A collection of 10 distressed countryside brushes delivered in .abr and black .png format to enable maximum customization. Guidance on using brushes in Photoshop and Elements can be found in the FreeART category of the aA store. Also check out this video tutorial which provides an overview of brushes, as well as guidance on how to load and use them.
WallTextures No. 1
A collection of 8 distressed wall texture brushes delivered in .abr and black .png format to enable maximum customization. Guidance on using brushes in Photoshop and Elements can be found in the FreeART category of the aA store. Also check out this video tutorial which provides an overview of brushes, as well as guidance on how to load and use them.
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