Hello WaterColor Template Album Inspiration.
Hope you had an awesome weekend.
WaterColor Template Album No. 3 is the latest collection of digital designs for scrapbookers, photographers, artists and crafters to be released in the Anna Aspnes Designs store.
WaterColor Template Album No. 3
The aA Creative Team have flexing their creative muscles this weekend sharing their digital scrapbooking and artistry pages using WaterColor Template Album No. 3 and supporting DigitalART products.
More digital art inspiration for WaterColor Template Album No. 3 can be found in the AnnaGallery.
Save 50% on WaterColor Template Album No. 3 for a limited time.
Click on the image below to view more digital designs inspiration WaterColor Template Album No. 3 or visit the AnnaTeam Layouts board on Pinterest.
WaterColor Template Album Inspiration
See our Gallery HighLights by clicking on the images to access complete digital design supply lists. You will also find process notes and digital scrapbooking tutorials from each team member to provide new digital inspiration for using aA DigitalART designs.
Streets of NYC | Miki
Create Focus
Draw the eye to a focal point in your layout using a frame. Notice how Miki has used a frame from MultiMedia Moons No. 1 to yield this effect. Adding additional frames to a template is always an option.
Two Bracelets | Laura
Sign of the Times
We often think of digital scrapbooking or artistry as telling our own stories, and that’s a big part of it. But I also feel that what we do as story tellers provides a great opportunity to incorporate current events. We can provide a view of what it looks like to live in today’s world. Change is always inevitable. Laura does a fabulous job of making these types of references. She hasn’t provided further detail but it’s certainly another direction you can take with your stories.
Bright and Bold Accents
Make your layouts ‘pop’ by adding embellishment that co-ordinates with the brighter and more visually eye-catching colors in your photos. Heather has nailed the design of her layout by adding heart, flower and banner accents that coordinate with the bold colors of her subjects dress. These selections tie the design together.
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