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Digital Magazine Featuring Anna Aspnes Designs

By Tuesday, February 23, 2016 (MST) 12 Comments
Digital Magazine Featuring Anna Aspnes Designs

It’s always BIG fun to see a digital magazine featuring Anna Aspnes Designs.

Digital Magazine Featuring Anna Aspnes Designs

Somerset Digital Studio Magazine

The spring issue of Somerset Digital Studio magazine by Stampington & Company arrived in my mailbox just before the weekend.

Perfect timing.

Weekends provide the perfect opportunity to find a quiet corner, or lock myself in my bedroom, and pour over all the beautiful artsy digital designs and art that adorn each page.

This issue is SO beautiful.

It has been my dream to become a designer my whole life, but I have encountered much resistance in my journey.

More times than I can remember, I have been told I am not good enough to be an artist.

A digital magazine featuring Anna Aspnes Designs is proof that those naysayers were dead wrong.

Digital Magazine Featuring Anna Aspnes Designs

The recognition drives my teaching and ongoing desire to encourage and support your own artsy journey.

It reminds me that Anna Aspnes Designs provides value to many.

It strengthens the notion that you can do anything you set you mind to with a practice and dedication.

So this digital magazine is less about me, but more about you, and your accomplishments.

There are so many digital artists that I recognize, and other’ digital designers that I want to know more about.

I’m thankful to have that opportunity and congratulate all those that have been featured in this spring issue of Somerset Digital Studio.

Enjoy it because you deserve it.

Digital Magazine Featuring Anna Aspnes Designs

Digital Magazine Featuring Anna Aspnes DesignsDonna Goar 

Member of the Anna Aspnes Designs Creative Team, Donna Goar, is known for her art journaling approach to digital artistry and using Anna Aspnes Designs. Recently she joined be in a LIVE on-line workshop in which is provide inspiring insight into her artistic journey and unique approach to using artsy digital designs. Learn more in ArtPLAY UnEdited No.1.

Digital Magazine Featuring Anna Aspnes Designs Adryane Driscoll

Adryane has been a member of the Anna Aspnes Designs Creative Team since it’s inception and is much-loved for sharing her talent and DigitalART with this community.  Her work combining heritage photos and stories with artsy digital designs is both compelling and magical.

AnnaAspnes_SomerSetMagazine5Christy RePinec

Christy is a burgeoning digital artist who has taken all of the classes offered by Anna Aspnes Designs and has been a long-time supporter. Go Christy!

Digital Magazine Featuring Anna Aspnes DesignsMiki Krueger and Laura Tringali Holmes

Miki recently had her blog featured in the Artful Blogging magazine, while Laura joins the team with collage and mixed media background. Both provide creative inspiration and support to the Anna Aspnes Designs community and strengthening the mission.

You are an Artist – You just don’t know it yet.

Get the spring issue of Somerset Digital Studio to see all the featured digital artists.

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Anna Aspnes

Author Anna Aspnes

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