Today, I’m sharing 5 Ways you can use an ArtPlay Palette.
I’ve been working on a number of different projects over the last several weeks.
1. Create a Greeting Card
Make a greeting card and print at home or online.
My sister and Mum both have birthdays in January.
- Create a New Layout (File>New) in the size of your choice.
- Select a size that can be easily printed and mailed in an envelope such as 4 X 6 or 5 X 7 inches.
- Create your card with an ArtPlay Palette.
- Personalize with a photo and/or words.
- Print at home or online.
5 X 7 Inch Birthday Card | ArtPlay Palette Halcyon
8 X 10 Digital Collage | ArtPlay Palette Sashay
My Mum turned 70 years this month, and as I couldn’t be there, I wanted to create something special for her:
- A photo collage with a variety of photos from different periods of her life blended using a Layer Mask and Brushes with aA DigitalART.
- Words were omitted from as my Mum likes to print these sorts of composites.
- A ’70 Things About You’ was also printed with the photo collage (The 70 Things filled the entire page but I have removed the majority out of respect for my Mum’s privacy.)
2. Get FotoInspired
Document a day, week, month or event using photos, words and aA DigitalART supplies.
- See this What is FotoInspired? post to learn everything you need to know about this everyday photos project.
Year 2019 | Week 48 (ArtPlay Palette Halcyon, FotoInspired Template Pack No. 2L (7&8)
3. Make Signs & Stationary
Make signs and stationary such as notebooks for your home.
- I came across this idea via QBHome on Instagram over Christmas, apparently alongside every other house in my neighborhood.
- It was only after Christmas that I noticed that snacks began to disappear from our bucket, so I decided to keep it going and update the sign.
- The designs were taken to Fedex/Office Max via thumb-drive, printed and laminated.
ArtPlay Palette Silver Bells, MultiMedia Reindeer No. 2
You can also create letterhead.
ArtPlay Palette Tinselry, MultiMedia Holiday No. 5
4. Create a Mood Board
Manifest your intentions for the new year.
- Putting ‘pen to paper’ solidifies intentions and so creating a digital layout in the theme of a mood board can help you manifest what you want to bring into your life.
- See also Rise to Year 2020.
Good Vibes 2020 | ArtPlay Halcyon Collection
5. All About Me
Embrace the selfie and make you part of the story.
- I’m rarely in the picture.
- Ella and Luke are FAR too busy taking photos of themselves, and most of the time it doesn’t even dawn on Eric to use the camera on his phone.
- So I’ve learned How to use your iPhone Self-Timer and you can too.
- So SIMPLE and has been a fun little addition to my memory keeping escapades.
And So It Begins | ArtPlay Halcyon Collection
What is your favorite way to use an ArtPlay Palette?
Let me know in the comments below, with a link if you like – I’m hoping you can inspire me too!
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