
Create Custom Element Clusters Part 3 REPLAY

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $15.00.

Elevate your custom element clusters with Drop Shadows and Special Effects in Photoshop and Elements in the REPLAY of the 3rd and final part of the Create Custom Element Clusters series.


Elevate Your Custom Element Clusters with Layer Styles and Special Effects

  • Understand the role of Lighting in your photo artistry and digital scrapbooking.
  • Multiple techniques for apply and Drop Shadows in Photoshop AND Elements
  • Interwoven effects for MORE complex element cluster creation.
  • Layer Style approaches to up-level your custom element clusters and layout designs.

What You CAN Expect

1. 2 HR Recorded LIVE Session

  • The event was recorded LIVE via the Zoom platform.
  • 5 X Layout Deconstructs demonstrating ALL the special effects.
  • A 16-page .pdf file printable course content and ‘cheat sheet’ will be available shortly before the event.
  • Available for IMMEDIATE viewing and download.

2. Why You Need this Session

  • Create REALISTIC dimension.
  • IMPROVE the Visual Interest.
  • Simply up-level the DEPTH of your designs.

3. What You Will Learn

This session is Part 3 of Create Custom Elements Clusters.

  • Master the Theory of Lighting related to Design Principles and Element Properties.
  • Learn how to apply a Drop Shadow Layer Style in BOTH Photoshop and Elements.
  • Create a Separate ‘drop shadow’ layer using THREE different techniques in Photoshop and TWO in Photoshop Elements.
  • The secrets behind making Cast Shadows in your layout designs in BOTH Photoshop and Elements.
  • Interweave different elements to induce more Depth into your custom clusters in BOTH Photoshop and Elements.
  • Create a Sticker-Style Text Effect in BOTH Photoshop and Elements.
  • Learn how to use 2 MORE Layer Styles to enhance your custom element clusters in Photoshop ONLY.


  • This class is for Photoshop AND Elements programs.
  • Work-arounds and different options have been provided for Photoshop Elements IF AVAILABLE.
  • It is ONLY possible to work within the parameters offered in the ELEMENTS version.


Learn all my little secrets and elevate your story-telling and digital scrapbooking with these tries and tested approaches

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Email me or comment below and I would be happy to answer it for you.


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