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About AnnaInspiration

Finding Creative Opportunity in Uncertainty

By Monday, March 23, 2020 (MDT) One Comment

Today, I’m  inspired to interrupt our typical ArtsyInspiration post to share some thoughts on Finding Creative Opportunity in Uncertainty and providing encouragement for starting a photo project TODAY.

Finding Creative Opportunity in Uncertainty


Let’s try and worry less.

  • There is obviously a LOT going on right now with much uncertainty.
  • And there is a MUCH for us to worry about.
  • But there is also VERY little we can do about any of it other than to stay home and do our part in ‘flattening the curve.’
  • If you’re doing that, then you are doing ALL you can do with regards to world events.
  • It’s NOW your responsibility make the BEST of your own situation.
  • In whatever way works  best for YOU.

2020 Weeks 10 and 11 | Anna

There is a HUGE cost without benefit.

  • Worrying about something does NOT in any way make it any better.
  • It just makes YOU feel worse – As someone who has suffered depression, Bipolar Disorder and anxiety throughout my years, I know this to be true.
  • And perhaps susceptible to lowering your resistance and getting run down.
  • As soon as you ACCEPT this principle…
  • You can use ALL this new-found TIME on something more productive that brings you JOY.
  • (or worry about something you CAN actually control.)

45th Birthday Thoughts | Anna

This puzzle analogy is brilliant.

Via Chris Guillebeau

“There’s a 1,000 piece puzzle.

On one side is a map of the world, on the other is a picture of you.

Trying to solve the puzzle for the world is almost impossible.

Solving the puzzle for you is simpler, and achievable.

By solving the puzzle for you, the world’s solution also comes through.”

In other words:

“Find the piece of the puzzle that has your name on it.”

Use your gifts and talents to find some peace in all this.

Start a Photo Project

7 Reasons Why You Need to Start Now.

  • You have the dedicated TIME to start and COMPLETE a photo artistry or scrapbooking project.
  • You might find RELAXATION and distraction from what’s going on outside.
  • You can use your creative practice to find COMFORT and a way to work through your FEELINGS.
  • You will discover JOY in revisiting old photos and memories to yield GRATITUDE.
  • You have the OPPORTUNITY to elevate your artistry and LEARN something new.
  • You might find ROUTINE in the process to help manage your days.
  • You can FINALLY check some of those photo projects off your list!

Naughty (Heritage Project) | Anna

Choosing a Theme

Select a topic that is most inspiring to you.

I include a LONG list of ideas and guidance for choosing a theme in the Project Workshop REPLAY.

You will also learn how to plan, organize and execute the pages with ease using my tried and tested  ‘album magic’ method.

Here are 5 IDEAS for photo projects you can begin TODAY.

1. Everyday Documentation

2020 Week 9 (Before COVID-19) | Anna

Begin (or resume) a project that documents this ‘new normal.’

  • Capture these historical events through your words and photos.
  • Take screenshots of websites, emails and ‘mimes’ on social media to support your stories.
  • Create daily, weekly, or monthly or in time increments that best work for you.
  • Observe what has changed or stayed the same over the past few weeks.
  • Notice the ‘little things’ provides a lens for GRATITUDE – See more below.
  • Use layered Templates and Elements to ease design decisions.
  • Learn more in What is FotoInspired?
  • Consider a Month in Review to remember  what is shaping up to be remarkable year.

2. Look Back to Your Ancestors

Conflict (Heritage Project) | Anna

Begin (or continue with) a Heritage project and seek strength in stories of survival.

3. Gift Your Artistry

Mother’s Day 2019 | Anna

Create a photo project for someone else.

4. Celebrate Travel

Scotland 2017 | Anna

‘Social Distancing’ is not conducive to travel so why not revisit some photos of previous adventures?

5. Find Gratitude

All My Soul | Anna

Curate a collection of pages in which you Art Jounal using your DigitalART supplies.

  • Photos are always optional – See No Photo Layouts with Brushes.
  • Play with your DigitalART and the techniques you have learned in Photoshop/Elements.
  • Add titles via WordART or copy and paste poems, quotes, songs and your own words.
  • Process your own thoughts and feelings through this time.
  • Document your unique perspective.
  • Find inspiration for digital art journaling via Creative Team Members, Donna Goar and Viv Halliwell.
  • Join out Daily Gratitude practice in Connect Facebook Group.


There is a LOT to worry about right now but where’s the benefit? Let’s FOCUS on the things we can control such as out photos and artistry.

  • Begin a NEW photo project.
  • Choose a Theme.
  • Gather your Photos.
  • Select your DigitalART supplies.
  • Create 1 or MORE pages a day until you complete your photo project.
  • For more support and guidance see Project Workshop REPLAY

Let’s start this Monday off with a ROUTINE you now have the TIME to follow.

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Anna Aspnes

Author Anna Aspnes

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