Today, I’m sharing 5 Creative Ways to Survive Social Distancing using your photo artistry and scrapbooking skills.
5 Creative Ways to Survive Social Distancing
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
- Coronavirus has made an unwelcome entrance to our every day and is here for the forsee-able future.
- But I think it’s hugely important to stay CALM and focus on what we CAN do during these times of adversity.
- ‘Social Distancing’ has become the phrase of the moment encouraging us ‘to keep our germs to ourselves’ and stay home.
- Isolation, loneliness and ‘cabin fever’ are all VERY real for those who might be alone and frightened by this new normal.
- But all of a sudden we have ALL found ourselves with a whole LOT of extra TIME on our hands.
- And we have this wonderful ability to CONNECT with each other online.
- Let’s use our CREATIVITY to get through this TOGETHER.
- 40 Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude.
- The Science Behind Gratitude
- How to Practice Gratitude with Scrapbooking
Thinking cap has been in overdrive this weekend as I think of ways I can personally help the aA Community get through this difficult time.
1. Document The Everyday
2020 Weeks 6 and 7 | Anna
Start a FotoInspired or Project Life style project in which you document this historical event.
You have the opportunity to:
- Record current events with screenshots of media coverage, socials media and emails.
- Download images from free-to-use photo resources.
- Take photos of what’s happening around you to document what’s changing and staying the same during these fast-paced transitions.
- Capture your unique perspective of what’s happening and how you feel about it in your own words.
- Create a daily practice that allows find joy in all the chaos.
- Learn more about FotoInspired.
- FREE COVID 19 WordART via Ali Edwards
- FREE COVID 19 WordART via Meagan (Megs) Johnson of the Practical Scrapper.
2. Practice Art Therapy
Hurt (2007) | Anna
Use art as therapy to stay calm and process feelings via art journaling.
- Art Journaling is simply the process of creating art and adding words to express emotion.
- Enables you to sit with yourself and explore what you are feeling.
- Release and work through emotions to heal from trauma.
- Photo artistry and scrapbooking has been HUGE in working through my own Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE.)
- What is Art Therapy?
- What is Art Journaling? by Tangie Baxter
- Digital Art Journaling Resources via Katie Nelson (Daily Digi)
- 3 Step Digital Art Journaling
3. Start a New Project
Begin (or finish) a larger more challenging photo project to provide a distraction.
- Create a photo book or album project that you haven’t had the time to tackle, such as a Heritage Project, Baby Book or Wedding Album.
- Travel may be off limits for now but that doesn’t mean you can’t revel and lose yourself in the photos of a past vacation or event.ake this undertaking as simple or as complex as you would like it to be via single or multiple projects.
- See aA Project 2019 for further guidance on how to create a photo artistry or digital scrapbooking project from start to finish.
Want to do this together?
- Every December I lead a LIVE workshop in which I guide students through this process.
- The BIGGEST complaint I receive is that I run this awesome experience at the busiest TIME of the year.
- Now might be a good time REPEAT the experience.
This is how it works:
- Anyone creating a ‘Photo Project’ can join this PRIVATE aA Connect Facebook Group
- If you were part of aA Project 2019, you are invited to create the next photo book project on your ‘master’ list using the template Album of your choice.
- If you were NOT able to participate in the aA Project 2019, you can access ALL the Videos + Content, Project Template Album No. 5 PLUS BONUS DigitalART Bundle for ONLY $40.
- Learn more about aA Project 2019.
Note. I will NOT be creating any new projects at this time but I will be present daily to offer my guidance, support and encouragement in any capacity I can provide.
4. Learn A New Skill
Take (or finish) a class and take the TIME to practice these new skills.
- Overcome boredom by challenging your creativity in new ways.
- Elevate your artistry and scrapbooking by mastering new techniques.
- Practice. Practice. Practice to make the magic happen.
Learning Resources:
- Visit the Resources pages.
- Take the FREE Basic Brushes Guidance and Art MegaPack classes.
- Peruse the aA Tutorials.
- Watch all the FREE YouTube Videos by Anna Aspnes Designs.
- View ALL aA classes (Now ON SALE as part of the upcoming Annual Birthday Event.)
Note. An [aA] Classes SALE was intended to begin on Friday as part of our Annual Birthday Event – I was able and seemed fitting to start this one somewhat early and lower the discounts to make the artistry accessible to all.
5. Make Cards
Use your aA DigitalART supplies to create a greeting card.
- Bring joy to friends.
- Connect with long distance family and show them you are well.
- Check in with a neighbor.
- Delight a stranger.
This whole scenario is less than ideal (to put it mildly), somewhat surreal and overwhelming but we CAN choose to make the best of right now.
- Use your artistry to as a ‘Gratitude Practice‘ and focus on the GOOD stuff.
- Fill your time by exercising your creativity and those practices that bring you joy.
- Tell your story with your own unique perspective.
- Create tangible keepsakes of this historical event for future generations.
- Try a little art journaling to process what your feeling.
- Connect and create community via your artistry.
If I can do anything else to support you in this space please do not hesitate to let me know.
Thanks Anna for this wonderful post full of inspiration I certainly will be following along with you documenting this new normal.
I’ll keep coming up with more to help pass the time.
Thank you for your awesome and helpful message from Anna. It helps me spend time in the “quarantine” that is now beginning for us.
Köszönjük Anna fantasztikus és hasznos üzenetét. Segít abban, hogy időt töltsek el a “karanténban”, amely most nekünk kezdődik.
Happy to help Margo.
Thanks, Anna, for the encouraging words and ideas. For once I am fairly well caught up with my scrapping, but something I don’t so enough of is go back and review my books. I have shelves full of thick volumes produced over the last ten+ years. It might be fun to spend a little time each day flipping back through them, reading the stories but also observing the artistry and seeing how it has changed, and maybe even redoing some pages or rescrapping some particular special moment using newer skills, supplies and style. We are lucky to have these skills and I am grateful for you and this supportive community!
That’s the BEST part of making these books. Ella and I can literally lost in all my pages. LOVE this idea. Thanks for sharing.